Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Due May 12, 2010

A few short weeks ago we found out that I was pregnant. Due to the miscarriage in July, we decided to keep it a secret until we had our first doctor's appointment. We had that appointment today; Wednesday, September 30th. We have been so excited and wanted to share with everyone but didn't want to jump the gun. Today I am 8 weeks along with Baby Helvey. Elijah was at the appointment and got to see his baby brother or sister on the screen... however, he is set on it just being a brother. Today, at the doctor's office was the first time we told him I was pregnant. We are really excited about this pregnancy and have a good feeling about God's timing on it. I have been feeling the normal symptoms; tired and nauseous. Fortunately, though, I have only thrown up a few times. That's good for me. We'll see what the next few weeks bring, but hopefully I won't spend this whole pregnancy with my head in a toilet wherever I am. My doctor will be seeing me again next week and just about as often as that throughout the pregnancy. He has no reason to be concerned right now, but due to the last two losses, he just wants to be on the safe side. How comforting. We love my doctor. We are so blessed to have a doctor as wise and loving as he. He is a strong Christian man. He is a widower with 5 children and has a heart bigger than most anyone I know.

I know the pictures aren't much to see right now, but they are to us. You can see the heartbeat in the 3 second video clip...Heart rate is 142- the same as Elijah's first ultrasound.... does that mean Elijah will get his wish of having a baby brother? We will find out in about 12 weeks!!!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

(Not a) Twins Fan....

While visiting my family in July, my parents graced us with this lovely outfit for Elijah... Nothing against the Twins, but we are Cardinal's fans here. Later, while leaving Valleyfair, we found this ginormous Twins baseball bat... later creating the perfect photo op! All candid photos, since Elijah refuses to pose for the camera

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


When I was four years old, I wore this belt. As I grew, it became something to tie my sleeping bag with. Once I moved from home, I debated getting rid of it, but the pack rat in me (that part of me was inherited from my daddy) decided to hang on to it. I kept it with my other belts, as if I were going to get small enough to wear it again at it's largest extension. However, one day a couple of weeks ago, I put a new pair of shorts on Elijah. For some strange reason, these 24 month shorts had a waist that was too big for my 3T boy. He has short legs, so we have to get him pants in a smaller size or roll the legs up, but he generally doesn't have issues with the waist being too big- it's usually the opposite.
Anyway, I thought "this boy needs a belt, but what am I going to do? We have to leave for church in 10 minutes." Then, it dawned on me... I still have a child's belt tucked away in one of my un-used purses! So, I put it on him and it worked perfectly! He was so excited! He loves to be "just like mommy and daddy", so this was right up his alley.