Monday, February 22, 2010

3? Already?

Well, it's official... my baby isn't a baby any longer. He's a big boy. Three years old today, February 22nd. so far, each year on his birthday I get all emotional. I don't necessarily cry, but just feel all of these emotions. To think, I carried that boy from seedling to an 8lb. 10oz. baby. Then, together, we learned all about the "joys" of breastfeeding. It was not an easy task for Elijah and I but we pulled through and were able to keep it up for 8 months... until his mouth was so full of teeth that this mommy just couldn't take being chomped on anymore. One month later, at 9 months old, our little baby was walking, then running, and climbing stairs...
It just amazes me how quickly these precious little babies grow up. Each stage we go through brings about new accomplishments in his development, and new accomplishments (and failures, too) in our parenting. What a treasure he is to us.
I could go on and on, but really don't have the time to sit and type it out... there's packing to be done. This weekend, we move 1 hour south, to Eldon, MO. We will be living on Jeremiah's parent's land- just across the yard from them, in the house Jeremiah grew up in. New adventures, and challenges await us. We feel that this is where God wants us... at least for a short time. We will be taking it a day at a time.
As for our birthday boy, he chose to have his party at our new house, after we move. We will have a pond just down the hill from our house, so we're thinking fishing gear will be a perfect gift.
Since we will be internet-less for about a month after we move, the party pics will be posted when we're back online.
Until then... I'll leave with you some of my favorite pictures of our boy.
Happy Birthday, our big three year old!


  1. Happy 3rd Birthday Elijah! I hope everything goes well this weekend with the move.

  2. Happy Birthday Eli! You are a precious treasure from God. Enjoy your big party, we can't wait to see the fishin' pictures.

  3. Happy Birthday Eli! Wow, 3 years old-- how time flys.
