Saturday, August 7, 2010

We're Back!

Well, it's been 5 long months, and we are finally back online. Being way out in the country, the internet isn't quite as easy to come by as it is in town, but we finally found a way.

Since it is 1AM I will do a quick re-cap of the last 5 months. The in-between's will come another day... or maybe later today : )

I last left off at 33 weeks of pregnancy... oh man, does that bring back some awful memories.

Looking back at these pictures sure makes me cherish NOT being pregnant anymore... I almost hurt just looking at them.

Man, was I HUGE!
I didn't have the energy to actually go and have professional pictures taken with a "high energy" 3 year old, so we put up a sheet in his room and set up the tri-pod while Jeremiah was at work. I figured I could "picnik" them to look just as good as a professional would... I almost achieved that. I'm pretty sure this was the last "weekly" picture I took before delivery day...

38 weeks, 6 days

Well, we all know what happens next... And since then, my life has never been the same! :) I love having two boys. Elijah LOVES being a big brother. He even has a "Connor voice" that he uses whenever he thinks Connor has something to say but can't relay his message to me. He is quite protective of Connor. From time to time, he gets a little annoyed when Connor cries, "CONNOR! I'm trying to sleep! Connor! I can't hear the tv!" But, other than that, he does so well. He knows that when it's time for Connor to have my undivided attention, he is to find something to do until Connor has been taken care of. He is a great big brother.

Connor is a wonderful addition to our family. He is very laid back compared to Elijah. He sleeps well, eats well, hangs out without needing to be held 24/7 well... He's great. He is very much like his brother in that he is extremely strong for his age... Elijah went a little something like this: Rolling over at 3 months, Sitting up at 4 months, Crawling at 6 months, and walking/running at 9 months... Connor is looking to be right there. He rolled from belly to back when he was 4 weeks old. He hasn't managed to get from his back to his belly yet because he gets too angry, but it's coming and I'm learning not to be in such a hurry. He could just lay there for another 3 months as far as I'm concerned. But, he won't. He'll be running around by Christmas, I'm sure. Their pediatrician wished me luck. "He's way stronger than he should be at this age" she said.

Anyway, here are a few pictures, then I'm off to bed...


  1. I'm so glad things are going so smoothly for you. (Not that two little boys isn't a lot of work, but that is it a manageable blessing.) ENJOY, my sweet girl. Your boys are beautiful.

  2. Great post! Thanks for the catch up!!

  3. YEAH! I'm glad you have reentered the blogisphere! You were huge...but what a huge blessing with in:)
